Nouvelle Sauvegardez automatiquement vos conceptions Figma dans des formats indépendants tels que Sketch ou XD. Apprendre encore plus >

Convert any Website into a Figma design with 1 click.

Paste your webpage URL in the window on the right and we will convert it to a Figma design

Ă€ partir de $94

magicians backmagicians frontfigma logo with glow
jarround bottletall bottle

Directly import websites into Figma with 1 click

Prend en charge les groupes et calques

Converts within a few minutes

100% précis

Website Demo Preview
Figma Import Demo Preview

Flawlessly convert any website into a Figma design

  • Creates highly accurate design in Figma from any website you enter

    Each icon, shape or path element will remain the same and will become fully editable in Figma.

  • Maintain your section structure

    We convert section by section to make sure you can work in Figma as seamless as possible.

  • 100% visually accurate

    All elements will automatically converted in seconds. Your website will be converted flawlessly into a Figma design.

Everything we supportSIGN UP NOW
Figma example
Magician with shield

Saving you hours of work - Directly import any website into Figma

  • Our converter supports all types of elements

    Our fully automated converter supports all elements: shapes, path elements, images, groups and text elements.

  • Protected by our Money Back Guarantee

    We understand that you expect perfect results when using our converter. That’s why we offer a full money back guarantee in case you’re not happy with the result.

  • Full protection of your data

    We don’t sell or share any of your data with 3rd parties neither do we have any rights in the data you upload to our service.

Approuvé par les petites et grandes équipes

Nos clients vont des indépendants aux entreprises Fortune 500

  • “Ce convertisseur fait un travail incroyable. Il est rapide et m'a dĂ©jĂ  fait gagner des heures de travail! Les fichiers Sketch ressemblent exactement aux fichiers Adobe XD.”

    Onur Ada

    Designer Senior chez IBM iX

    Onur Ada Avatar
  • “C'est un superbe outil! Nous convertissons actuellement plusieurs projets par semaine entre Adobe XD, Sketch et Figma et cela fonctionne parfaitement!”

    Hayyaan Ahmad

    Ingénieur logiciel chez Amazon

    Hayyaan Ahmad Avatar
  • “Certains de nos clients travaillent avec Adobe XD alors que nous prĂ©fĂ©rons Figma. Ă€ l'aide de cet outil, nous avons transmis les conceptions finales dans XD comme si nous les avions construites dans XD. Étonnante!”

    Will Kaufman

    Stratège UX senior

    Will Kaufman Avatar
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